
Hauptstraße 7
D-92729 Weiherhammer

Managing Directors
Dr. Rainer Gallersdörfer

Central E-Mail-Adresse

0049 (0) 96 05 / 919 - 624

Telefax number
0049 (0) 96 05 / 919 - 308

Amtsgericht (municipal/district court)
92637 Weiden

Commercial register number

Turnover tax identification number
USt-IdNr. DE 189 308 867

Design and programming: Manuela Schläger & Sebastian Möhwald

Photo: Christine Flor, shutterstock und fotolia

Instructions for Use

The details given on the website are for information purposes only and do not represent a binding offer from the service provider. The latter is entitled to terminate the website's business either completely or partially at any time and takes no responsibility for the correctness, completeness and up-to-dateness of the information provided. Liability for damages is exempt.


The service provider assumes no liability for the content of the websites of other providers to which links can be found on this website. The service provider has no influence on their design and content and herewith distances itself expressly from this content. This declaration applies to all sites which links originate from or on which linked banners are placed. The call-up of webpages is at the user's own risk.

The service provider reserves all rights to the content it provides (especially pictures, graphics and text) and to its copyrights. Any benefit to others (in particular, alterations, copying, republishing, transfer, distribution and storage) for private, non-commercial purposes by a third party requires the prior written consent of the service provider. The contents of this website are only allowed to be duplicted for the user's own personal and non-commercial purposes.

The website's software is protected by copyright and is provided strictly according to the legal provisions for the protection of software. It may only be used for its actual purpose and in line with these terms of use. 

General Terms and Conditions
You will find General Terms and Conditions of BHS Corrugated GmbH Maschinen- und Anlagenbau under the following link: